There are different ways to get involved and participate in Matawa River Guardians:
Community River Guardians

Any community member can be a Community River Guardian. Community Guardians can make observations and take photos while out on the land. They could be hunting, fishing, harvesting, or enjoying educational or recreational activities like hiking, camping or canoeing. This type of River Guardian is a volunteer who sends observations, photos, and information to the secure Environmental Knowledge Lodge (GeoHub) by using an app on their smart phone, tablet, or computer.
Youth Guardians

Youth River Guardians are paid youth who are training to be environmental observers for their communities, but who will also be tasked with training the volunteer Community Guardians.
Staff Guardians

Staff Guardians are community members employed with their First Nation who are already acting as guardians and monitors. There are many Staff Guardians in our communities who have been monitoring the land and listening to community members, advising the community on environmental and resource issues, or have been involved in collaborative research projects as part of their existing job. These Guardians may work in the lands and resources department, already be employed as environmental monitors in communities, be employed in some other lands and resource fashion with the community, or be a council member with the lands and resources portfolio.